Saturday 2 June 2012


Components of Microstrategy

There is no need to learn all these components. We cant be masters in all the components. Choose few and gain knowledge. I will take you through the below components.

Command Manager
Object Manager

Microstrategy BI Architecture

Microstrategy applications use the MD database to translate user requests into sql queries and to translate the results of those queries back into Microstrategy objects like reports and documents.

Microstrategy MD stores the below types of data.

Application Objects:  Reports and Report related objects data built in Desktop.

Configuration Objects:  Administrative and connectivity related objects built in Microstrategy Architect or in the Microstrategy Desktop Administrator console.

Schema Objects:  Logical objects that relate application objects to physical data warehouse structures. These objects are built exclusively in Microstrategy Architect.

Two Tier Architecture Overflow: Two tier BI architecture comprises the data warehouse, metadata and Desktop. In this type of configuration Desktop directly queries the data warehouse and the metadata without Intelligent Server as intermediate tier. This configuration can be helpful primarily for troubleshooting purposes, small demos and test projects.

Three tier Architecture Overflow: This architecture comprises the data warehouse, metadata, intelligence server and Desktop.

Four tier Architecture Overflow: This architecture comprises the data warehouse, metadata, intelligence server, Desktop and Web.

Note: There is no difference between a report you run in three tier and the same report run in four tier. In both the instances, almost all of the tasks involved in report generation are completed by Intelligence server. Only client(Desktop or Web) can perform the process of formatting data while displaying the report results. Both Desktop and web gets result set from intellegence server.

Normally reports are developed on either Desktop or Web. What is report? What objects are used to develop these reports?

A report is a request for specific, formatted data from the data warehouse. A report consists of a template, a filter and a view.

Attribute, metrics, filters, prompts etc will be used in reports. Hence we should know about these objects first. The object development done under project. This project will be created under Project source(Intelligence server).

Now we got Project under Project source. Will start to know about schema objects first.  Because application objects will be created using schema objects. 

What is Project Source?

About Desktop


Everything we can do through Desktop only like configuring administrator, architect works, creating schema and public objects, scheduling and subscribing and s on.

Install free Microstrategy software available from the official site.  You can observe few projects,  project sources, schema objects(attributes, facts etc), public objects(Metrics, filter, reports etc) and so on.

By using schema and public objects you can create reports. This free software comes with access database, hence you  will get data.

Lets start to know the objects  one by one before start creating own objects.

Schema Objects

Partition Mappings

Public /Application objects

Custom Groups               
Drill Map

Start with attribute creation. For creating attribute we require columns and tables. Just think we don’t imported any tables to the Desktop. Then how can we create objects.

Before importing tables first we should connect our Microstrategy desktop with database. For connecting any tool with database we need to establish DSN(Data Source Network).
            1. Open DSN from your OS. 
            2. Select ADD -> Give any name ->select database -> Finish
            3. Open MSTR Desktop -> Right click on project -> Select Project  configuration
            4. Select Database Instance -> Click New tab -> Give a name for instance
            5. Select New tab -> Give connection name -> Select the DSN you created in 1.
            6. Click OK
Now the connection established between the project and database.
            4. Select Warehouse catalog ->

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